Jun 24, 2019
"On the first night of my labor and delivery rotation, I watched a story unfold that reminded me of medicine’s potential to arouse our innermost humanity." Medical student Nicholas Lenze remembers an experience that reminded him that medicine is more than just the next task, that it is the extraordinary moments of...
Jun 17, 2019
"Leah taught me to actively listen and offer the support my patients need to be able to find, hold onto, and reclaim their stories and their selves." Medical student Amali Gunawardana remembers a patient who reminded her that listening and observing patients’ stories must remain at the center of their care. This essay...
Jun 10, 2019
"And I fear that something crucial is lost if we regard discomfort as an unequivocally negative experience, if we fail as teachers to separate humility from humiliation." Amy Caruso Brown recounts an experience that reminded her that discomfort is good and necessary in that it encourages physicians-in-training to be...
Jun 3, 2019
"The most important thing that I teach the students is to be human. To see the person sitting in front of you. To be kind." Joanne Rolls remembers a patient who reminded her that, even in the face of bad news and uncertainty, being human and kind can make all the difference. This essay was published in the Teaching and...