Dec 27, 2021
With the mask muffling my voice and the omnipresent sound of monitor alarms, words too, were strained. I grew irate at the situation. The inability to talk. The inability to connect. The inability to touch.
Graduate nursing student Hunter Marshall reflects on isolation and connection during the chaos of the COVID-19...
Dec 20, 2021
Even in the age of medical miracles, there is still no intervention more powerful than a genuine human connection. There is no lab, no scan, no test, no drug, no surgery, that can replace it. For the soul heals not by human medicine, but human kindness.
Medical student Ross Perry reflects on the most important lesson he...
Dec 13, 2021
Dementia does not rob the ears of joy.
Recent nursing school graduate Anna Swartzlander remembers a patient with dementia who shared with her his love of music.
This essay placed second in the 2021 Hope Babette Tang Humanism in Healthcare Essay Contest and was published in the November 2021 issue of Academic Medicine....
Dec 6, 2021
Why do I find it so much easier to deal with death after the fact than I do watching its slow, looming approach, like the shadow of a cloud creeping over my face? I think of cupping water between my hands, the spaces between fingers that I cannot hold tight.
Medical student Davy Ran reflects on how their perspective...