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Academic Medicine Podcast

Dec 23, 2019

"A physician once told me, 'You will not be able to cure or save every patient in your career. However, you do have the opportunity to heal every patient.' I did not truly understand what this meant until my experience with my dad."

Medical student April Butler recounts how watching her father’s illness and death made...

Dec 16, 2019

"Like the medical jargon and the physical exam, learning how to witness death is both a rite of passage and a skill to be learned. Teaching medical trainees how to cope with death requires slowing down. When attendings or residents pause to remember what a first code feels like and debrief the experience or offer...

Dec 9, 2019

"Jaime taught me that missed visits are important data points, rather than the lack thereof. They suggest that a patient could be struggling to contend with poverty, housing insecurity, immigration status concerns, domestic violence, immobility, untreated mental illness, or prior experiences facing racism when seeking...

Dec 2, 2019

"I never sought to transform John’s political views—my role as a future doctor is to heal people like John, to judge his heart by its physicality and not its prejudice. However, I hope that because of our time together as people with different backgrounds and worldviews, John acquired a more compassionate...