Feb 22, 2021
"In certain cases, it is the odors that emanate in a patient’s room that have proven to be as important in making a diagnosis as their renal function or the opacity on their chest X-ray."
Patrick Twohig, a fellow with the University of Nebraska Medical Center, shares how performing a thorough physical examination...
Feb 15, 2021
"I looked at my own white coat and wondered. What obligation do we, as medical students, physicians, and educators, have to people like the Dreamers, whose health, well-being, and livelihoods are affected by policies and decisions which are, technically, nonmedical?"
Aldis Petriceks, Harvard Medical School second-year...
Feb 8, 2021
Hosts Toni Gallo and assistant editor Dr. Will Bynum (@WillBynumMD) and guests Drs. Mike Kemp, Samantha Rivard (@rivardsj), and Joceline Vu (@jocelinevu) discuss the clinical learning environment and resident well-being during COVID-19. They describe efforts by the University of Michigan Department of Surgery to support...
Feb 1, 2021
"When our demanding days, pressured pace, and weighty emotions leave us tired and weary, could 'pressing pause' lessen the burnout we feel?"
MD-PhD student Caroline Jansen reflects on how the current coronavirus pandemic created a variety of challenges and anxieties, yet also presented an opportunity to begin...