Jan 20, 2020
"My genuine commitment to students is deeply rooted in the care others had for me. ... I want to pay the transformative power of teaching and learning forward to my students for years to come."
Nathan Vanderford (@nlvanderford) describes how he tries to have a transformative influence on his students’ careers and life...
Jan 13, 2020
"Maybe the beauty of medicine and being a physician isn’t being able to solve every problem and prevent every tragic outcome ... but being there and supporting the people who need us, every step of the way."
Pre-med student Marin Langlieb (@mlanglieb) recounts 2 experiences, the loss of her childhood pediatrician and...
Jan 6, 2020
Assuming the role of editor-in-chief of Academic Medicine, Laura Roberts (@_Roberts_Laura) sits down with past editor David Sklar and staff editor Toni Gallo in this episode to discuss the journal and the state of scholarship in medical education. Dr. Sklar recaps his time at Academic Medicine and the changes he saw...