Jan 25, 2021
"So now I am faced with dual dilemmas; not only with what to do for this patient, but also with how to display (or obscure) this gap in my medical knowledge to Mike."
Third-year internal medicine and pediatrics resident physician, Dr. Ben Frush, acknowledges the power of mutual humility, especially among medical...
Jan 20, 2021
"As a teacher, I can do better. If learners find it tedious to explore patient histories, I must strive to effectively clarify the connection between rigorous patient history-taking and the clinical impact that these findings can have."
Physician and educator, Dr. Joey Fisher, recognizes the importance of fostering...
Jan 18, 2021
"We are challenged to understand both the reason for a person’s suffering and that she was much more than a suffering person."
Resident physician in anatomic and clinical pathology, Dr. William Humphrey, recalls a unique autopsy inquiry that challenges his perspective of life and of the special role a physician...
Jan 13, 2021
"We are left to think outside the box, seek answers in places we didn’t look before; doing so challenges us to become better physicians."
Third-year psychiatry resident, Dr. Monique Mun, describes the challenge of upholding patient care quality with limited resources amid the COVID-19 pandemic and reflects on how...
Jan 11, 2021
“The ability to meet patients where they are, to give them what they need to rise again—perhaps even stronger than before—is ultimately to me what it means to be a doctor.”
Second-year neurology resident, Dr. Nara Michaelson, offers a fresh look at the basic acts of healing as its life-sustaining impact unfolds...